This service is provided by an independent third party, which is Aramex company, and therefore, all their terms and conditions apply. Shobbak platform is only an intermediary between the two parties and does not bear any responsibility for this service, and when you request this service, you agree to the terms and conditions policy of Aramex company.
The shipping price is fixed for weight up to 10 KG, and any additional weight will be charged according to the terms and conditions of use. When sending the shipping request, it is fully approved, and the process is considered complete.
The Terms and Conditions for Aramex Shipping Service:
- Packaging:
- The seller is responsible for ensuring that the content of the shipment is packed securely to prevent damage. Aramex will not be responsible for damage due to poor packing.
- The seller ensures that the bill of lading is printed and attached to the shipment, and Aramex will not be responsible for that.
- The seller guarantees that the shipments delivered to Aramex are in good condition and packed with suitable packaging materials for travel, the nature of the items to be shipped, and the normal handling and carriage of the shipments.
- The seller guarantees that shipments will not be packaged in non-conforming packaging materials.
- Shipments shipped without adequate packaging are subject to refusal to ship or denial of any claim arising therefrom in the event of damage or any other condition.
- The seller guarantees that no dangerous goods, restricted items, or items requiring special care will be shipped without the prior written approval of Aramex.
- Aramex will not be liable for any damage that occurs if the seller fails to follow the instructions mentioned.
- Charged Weight:
- Aramex will calculate shipping rates for Domestic based on the higher value of shipment gross weight or volumetric weight (L x W x H / 4,000).
- The seller is responsible for the accuracy of the weights and dimensions mentioned in the bill of lading at the time of delivering the shipment to Aramex.
- In the event of any discrepancy in the declared measurements or dimensions checked by Aramex, a notice of weight change shall be sent to the seller, and transportation charges shall be adjusted accordingly.
- The seller declares to Aramex the contents and actual value of each shipment before such shipments are collected by Aramex. The seller will be solely liable for any mis-declaration of the shipment.
- The applicable shipping rates and service charges are in Saudi Riyals (SAR) and are exclusive of direct, indirect, local, sales tax, goods and/or services tax, value-added tax (VAT), and any other fee imposed by any government or other authority, as may be applicable to the services from time to time. Any VAT, sales and/or services tax, or other tax imposed in accordance with the respective tax law or other applicable law or regulation will be charged to the seller at the prevailing rate and will be paid in addition to the service charges. Aramex will issue a valid tax invoice and/or other relevant documents to the seller according to local tax regulations.
- Additional Weight:
The maximum allowed weight is 10 KG only, and any excess weight will be subject to an additional fee.
- Filling out the Bill of Lading
- The seller has the sole responsibility of filling out the bill of lading, which is one of the vital documents for transferring the shipment.
- The seller is solely responsible for filling out the bill of lading completely and accurately.
- The seller is responsible for the correct shipment date and time, account number, and address, as well as the buyer’s contact details, item description, and merchandise value acknowledgment.
- The seller is required to provide documents such as an invoice, waybill, or any other legal document that may facilitate the smooth transfer of the shipment, as well as verify the value of the shipment against any claims.
- Restricted Goods
According to the regulations of the Ministry of Transportation and the general terms and conditions of Aramex, the following items and goods are prohibited from shipping:
- All material offensive to Islam or that may encourage any religious belief.
- Financial instruments: such as money/currencies, bullion, bearer cheques, traveler's cheques, bank draft, or liquid assets.
- Negotiable instruments in bearer form like bearer cheques/drafts, money orders, promissory notes, bearer bonds, bearer share certificates, stamps, open tickets, uncashed travelers' cheques, credit cards, or SIM cards (but not including gift cards)
- All types of flammable materials, including liquids, gases, and solids, including, for example, petroleum, kerosene, tung oil, alcohol, paints, diesel fuel, aerosols, gas lighters, gas cylinders, phosphorus, matches, and matches.
- All explosive materials such as fireworks, crackers, explosive torpedoes, stun gun paper cartridges, and fuses.
- All kinds of corrosive substances such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, organic solvents, pesticides, hydrogen peroxide, and hazardous chemicals are all on the list.
- Objects that constitute a public health concern, such as carcasses, animal organs, body parts, raw animal skins, and medically untreated animal bones.
- Other Illegal Substances: Substances other than those that are illegal, flammable, explosive, and substances that constitute a concern to public health and cigarettes.
- Any object prohibited by any law or regulation.
- The seller undertakes not to use the service for any illegal, immoral, obscene or fraudulent purposes or for any other purposes prohibited by Aramex, or by the Country of Origin, or by the Country of Destination, or any other regulations. The seller further undertakes that any use of the service shall be in conformity with all international, federal, state and local laws. Such laws include but are not limited to laws related to banking, money laundering, trade sanctions and terrorist activities.
- Aramex reserves the right to refuse any shipment for any item that it may consider dangerous or prohibited from being carried in the network.
- Orders Delivery
- The seller must adhere to the specified time for delivering orders to ensure speed and quality of service.
- Orders are usually delivered within 2 to 5 business days. In the event of a delay, the seller must contact Aramex directly.
- Inability to deliver the shipment to the Recipient
When the shipment cannot be delivered to the addressee and exceeds the specified delivery attempts limit, the shipment will be returned to the sender.
- Aramex will not be liable for:
- Any penalties imposed or loss or damage incurred due to the seller’s documents or goods being impounded by customs or other official authorities, and the seller hereby indemnifies Aramex against such penalty or loss it may incur.
- Lost or damaged shipments unless such shipments were in good and sellable condition when delivered to Aramex. On receipt of any shipment, Aramex will, so far as reasonably practicable, carry out an external check of the condition of the shipments. Aramex will endorse the delivery notes with details of any apparent problems.
- Any delay or failure to give instructions or authority by the seller or any person on its behalf in respect of any matter relating to the services or the shipments or where there is any breakdown in or failure on seller’s part to comply with any agreed procedures
- The impact of any sudden or unplanned variations in seller’s requirements relating to the services and/or shipments, as well as any steps which the seller requires Aramex to take to deal with them.
- Any claims unless they are notified in writing to Aramex within ten (10) business days of coming to seller’s attention.
- The contents of any sealed carton or container.
- Shipments found to be missing or damaged on dismantling of any pallet load.
- Loss of or damage to any shipment due to faulty or inadequate packaging.
- Aramex will in no way be liable in the respect of loss or damage to the shipments except as expressly set out in this agreement and all other liabilities are hereby excluded. Save to the extent that such loss or damage was caused by Aramex's willful misconduct or breach of this Agreement, seller will indemnify and hold harmless Aramex, its officers, directors, agents, servants and employees from any claims and/or liability that may arise from or relate to Aramex’s provision of the services under this Agreement, including without limitation, liability for customs duties, charges and or/fines.
- Aramex reserves the right to disclose the seller’s personal information to any law enforcement agency requesting it in order to comply with applicable laws and lawful official authority requests, to operate the service properly, or to protect Aramex, its customers, or suppliers.
- Aramex may, at its sole discretion, dispose of any of the seller’s shipments within sixty (60) days after receipt to the seller’s account, without the need to take any further legal action, or obtain a court order or a judgement in that regard, if the seller does not claim the shipments received to the seller’s account.
- Aramex shall not accept certified/registered mail, Cash on Delivery shipments and/or postage due mail on the seller’s behalf unless otherwise requested by the seller and agreed by Aramex on a case by case basis. In consideration for Aramex’s acceptance of such items, the seller expressly releases Aramex from all responsibility for loss, damage, or other disposition of such items and waives any and all rights of claim against Aramex.
- In no event shall Aramex be liable for any type of indirect or consequential loss (including direct or indirect damages for loss of data, revenue, and/or profits), expense or any kind of special or consequential loss however arising, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable.
- The seller is responsible for obtaining their own insurance. Aramex can arrange, upon the seller’s request, an insurance for the declared shipment value.
- The seller agrees to protect, indemnify, safeguard, and hold Aramex and its respective affiliates, subsidiaries, parent corporations, franchisees, officers, agents, and employees harmless against any and all losses, damages, expenses, claims, demands, liabilities, judgments, settlement accounts, costs and causes of action of any type or nature arising out of or in connection to the use of the account and the service, including without limitation any demands, claims, and causes of action for personal injury or property damage arising from such use, from failure of the Country of Origin postal services, other relevant postal authority, or any commercial courier service to deliver on time or otherwise fail to deliver any shipment, from damage to or loss of any shipment or account contents by any cause whatsoever, and from any violation by customer of applicable international, federal, state or local laws.
- Aramex is only responsible for shipping packages that have the same name as the seller stated on the application form. For any package received to an account which does not match the corresponding name on the application form, Aramex may, at its sole discretion, elect not to deliver the shipment.
- These Terms and Conditions shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- If any section or any portion of any section of these Terms and Conditions is construed to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, such provision or portion shall be deemed obsolete and deleted from these Terms and Conditions, while all other sections shall continue in full force and effect.
- In case of any discrepancy between the Arabic and English languages of these Terms and Conditions, the Arabic language shall prevail.
- Failure by any party to enforce at any time any term, provision, or condition of these Terms and Conditions, or to exercise any right herein, shall in no way operate as a waiver thereof.
- Shipping Statement
- The seller shall be fully responsible for all fines and penalties incurred by Aramex as a result of false statements made by the seller.
- Shipments that do not conform to the declaration or are found to contain dangerous goods or prohibited items are in breach of contractual terms.
- The seller guarantees cooperation in any investigation that may arise from false statements.
- Checking and Insuring the shipment
- The seller accepts and acknowledges that Aramex reserves the right to open and inspect shipments at any time during transit without prior notice.
- If inspections are conducted, shipments can be checked by government agencies, including security forces, police forces, and traffic police, as well as government entities implementing safety and security measures.
- The seller acknowledges that all shipments comply with the travel procedures of the Aramex network and are subject to national regulations.
- The seller ensures compliance with all security regulations at all times.
- Aramex reserves the right to change/modify inspection or insurance provisions based on or without the knowledge of the seller.
- Any economic damages arising from non-compliance with the regulations shall be borne by the seller.
- Force Majeure
- If either Party is prevented or delayed from carrying out its obligations under this Agreement by reason of Force Majeure Event, which in the case of this Agreement, will mean any act of God, riots, strikes or lock-outs (except those by officers, employees of the Party seeking to avail itself of this Clause or those of its suppliers or contractors), wars, pandemics, epidemics, government or regulatory authority imposed restrictions or mandates or orders, and similar events beyond the reasonable control of the Parties (“Force Majeure Event”), then the Party affected by the Force Majeure Event will be temporarily relieved of its non-monetary obligations for the period of time that the Force Majeure Event persists.
- In the event that the Force Majeure Event continues for a period of one (1) month or more, then either Party may terminate this Agreement by immediate notice to the other Party.
- The seller grants to Aramex the full right and absolute authority at the sole discretion of Aramex to do any or all of the following:
(A) Refuse to provide any services or return, refuse, abandon or hold any shipment where Aramex may have a reason to believe or consider to be in breach of any applicable penalties;
(B) Disclosure of shipping information and details to government agencies, in accordance with applicable regulations.
(C) Hand over the shipment to government agencies in accordance with applicable regulations.
(D) Take any action Aramex deems appropriate to ensure its compliance with applicable laws and regulations, without imposing any liability on the sender/shipper or any other party in any form, manner, or description whatsoever.
- Order Tracking
The seller can track the order’s status through Aramex’s website.
- Support
For any issues related to the shipment, please contact Shobbak Business’s Support for assistance and to solve any problems that may arise.
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